19 August 2006

My Golf Notes - The Swing

This is a bumper harvest for my fans (if any) - TWO POSTS IN A NIGHT!!!

Sorry to disappoint you, but this one's for me.

1. Address the ball with clubface facing the target. Position straight left arm in line with club. Relax right arm and drop right shoulders slightly.

2. Clasp both hands closer to each other to ensure good contact with the club. But don't grasp the club too tightly.

3. Relax.

4. Before proceeding with swing, "look down" on the ball to make sure that the neck is straighten and in line with spine.

5. During test swing do a 4 o'clock towards the target before backswing. This will get body to "feel" the targeted direction before the swing.

6. Always swing outwards to the target.

7. SLOOOOOWW backswing.

8. Drag the clubface along the ground for a few inches before lifting.

9. Cock wrist only after halfswing point.

10. Lift arm upwards, not backwards.

11. Maintain the left arm-right arm-body triangle.

12. Hold and pause for a second at the end of backswing. Count in head "one thousand" before proceeding with downswing.

13. At the end of backswing, remember to tuck right biceps/triceps in and position forearm perpendicular to the ground.

14. Begin downswing with a pull to the direction of elbow towards the direction where forearm is pointing at the end of backswing.

15. Drop right shoulders, do not look up and do not turn body before clubface contacts the ball.

16. Uncock wrist and unleash clubface towards the ball. Rotate and close left and right wrist to square as clubface approaches the ball.

17. Again,
maintain the left arm-right arm-body triangle.

18. Open hips towards the target just about time when clubface contacts the ball and begin body rotation after clubface contacts the ball. Still, do not look up.

19. Follow through and swing outwards to the target. Let the momentum carry club forward and rotate the body.

20. Let the momentum carry through and allow arms fold back to finishing posture gradually.

21. Hold finishing posture... Just hold it... Enjoy the flight of the ball... Smell the clean air...

See how easy the swing actually is?

18 August 2006

Let's talk about something boring...

Yes, let's talk about something really boring to most people out there (of course that depends on which side of the fence you are on). GOLF.

For friends who are close to me, you will know the reason why I don't blog a lot these days. Most time I can find during evenings and weekends are spent on the range, and more recently, the course.

Golf is such a wierd game. It's hard to describe the pleasure of getting a tiny white ball into a little hole
a few hundred meters away in the middle of nowhere with a steel stick. Afterall, getting a steely stick into a tight hole is obviously going to bring much more pleasure.

If you ask most women, golf makes soccer look like the most interesting sports on TV. Of course, cute young men with lean muscular physiques sure beats the likes of John Daly (google the name and you'll know what I mean).

But hey, golf is golf is golf. It's a perverse game and Robin Williams describes it best (go youtube and search for Robin Williams on golf). Many good men have given up their sex life for it. Three months into the game and I am already feeling my libido waning. Not to mention that with golf, you can do it at any time you want, if you can afford the time. And you can do it as many times you want, if you can afford the game.

There is nothing like the "whack" from a good clean contact on the ball with your irons, or the "ping" from a fantastic swing with your driver. It makes you feel larger than life, and for that moment you feel like Tiger, as you hold your finishing pose three seconds longer for effect... Although you know from the pain that you just sprained that rusty back of yours.

Yes, golf. The game where many quality hours with family and friends are lost over bucket loads of balls. Only in golf would a clumsy looking stick command lustfilled stares of connoisseurs and brands like Callaway and Ping stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Nike and Addidas. I mean, come on, which man, other than a golfer, would want to be caught dead in an oversized pink polo-tee with funny flower patterns having a sissy sound for a brand name.

Imagine this, man walks up to guy in that pinky polo-tee ready to tee off. He asks, "Hey, nice shirt, what brand is that?"

Guy in pinky polo-tee looks up with a smirk and then swings his driver at the tee-ed up ball.


Their eyes met with a knowing look.

"Good choice. That's quality stuff you got there..." Man tells guy with pinky polo-tee and walks away into the sunset.

See! Wierd right? That's why no golfer can describe the excitment and passion for this perverse game to a non-golfer. Just like great sex, you have to try it to know it.